“The secrets are in the plants. To elicit them, you have to love them enough.”
George Washington Carver

Opening of our Online Courses
Herb Whisperer is now offering courses in Growing Chinese herbs and has a course on using Western herbs in Chinese Medicine currently in production. Also, coming soon, a course for Chinese medicine practitioners on “duiyao” 對藥 or what Dr. Garran calls, “The Art of Combining Herbs.”
Are you interested in becoming an herbalist?
We are excited to announce an upcoming course for beginners and intermediate students of herbal medicine and natural healing.

Have an idea for an Herbal product? Have a company producing Herbal products and need research and documentation?
Thomas Avery Garran, PhD has extensive experience in the field of herbal medicine as a practitioner, product developer, agronomist, and a research scientist. If your herbal medicine or supplement company needs help, Dr. Garran might be just the person to talk to. Check out his consulting services to wipe the fog off the window and see clearly to resolve issues and grow as a business.