Welcome to the Kids Herb Course! Here you will find many fun items to explore and try out. Check out all the tabs and what each has to offer:
You can listen to any of the stories in A Kid’s Herb Book by clicking on the Stories tab. Flip to the story’s page in your book and read along while you hear the story read to you, or just sit back and listen.
You can also hear all the herb songs in A Kid’s Herb Book. Click the Songs tab and sing along. Or you can turn to the song’s page in your book and play along, too!
Ever wonder what the herbs look like in A Kid’s Herb Book? Click on the Photos tab. There you’ll find many photos and pictures of the herbs in your book. Can you identify any of them growing in your yard? How about in your garden? Maybe along the street or in a local park?
Or maybe you want to make more fun things. Click on the Projects tab and you’ll find new recipes for using the herbs in A Kid’s Herb Book. Some are for healing sickness while others are tasty treats. But all of them are healthy for you!
Now, let’s discover how much you know about herbs after reading A Kid’s Herb Book. First, take the quizzes by clicking on the Quizzes tab. After answering each set of questions, you can press the link that follows and it’ll take you to the answers. There you can learn even more about herbs and the many ways they are used in our lives.
After you read the answers for each quiz, a new link takes you to your herbal trading card! Each card provides information on a new herb. You can print the card, fold it in half and then share it with your family and friends.
Collect all ten herbal trading cards and you may receive your Certificate of Completion in the Kids Herb Course! A link is given at the very end of all ten cards that will take you there. You can print out your certificate, show it to your family and friends and even hang it on your wall! If you have an iPad you can put them in iBooks Library too.
So join me and get started! Let’s adventure into the magical world of herbs and explore all that the Kids Herb Course has to offer!
When you start collecting your Herbal Trading Cards, explore each new herb on your cards. See if you can find it growing in your area. Try using it as medicine. Make up your own story or song about the new herb. In this way, you will expand the collection of herbs you know and can use.

People in Neolithic times used to eat elderberries. That was a long, long time ago!
You can enjoy these dark purple elderberries in many different ways. Learn more on p. 136-137 in your book.

Learn to make healing herbal steams? Go to page p. 46 in your book.

Syrups can be used to treat coughs, bronchitis, colds, flu, mucus congestion and sore throats. They are soothing to the throat and lungs and a delicious way to take herbs.
How many herbs, that you know of, can be used for syrups?