Guggul Cholesterol Compound


    • Supports healthy cholesterol levels already in the normal range.


    • Utilizes guggul extract rich in guggulsterones, the constituent believed to contain the greatest of the plant’s benefits.


    • Contains supporting herbs and spices for detoxification and cleansing.

Guggul Cholesterol Compound™
Supports Normal Cholesterol Levels

Throughout history, traditional cultures have used herbs to support a healthy cardiovascular system. One of the most valued Ayurvedic heart botanicals is guggul, the resin of a shrub related to myrrh. New scientific research supports this traditional use and offers evidence to explain guggul’s mechanism of action.

Planetary Herbals Guggul Cholesterol Compound features a guggul extract, rich in guggulsterones, the constituent believed by scientists to be responsible for many of the plant’s benefits. Guggul Cholesterol Compound utilizes a guggul extract that delivers 75 mg of guggulsterones daily-the clinically substantiated dosage. In keeping with Ayurvedic principles, this guggul extract is blended with additional botanicals traditionally used with guggul. These include the legendary Triphala compound, India’s most important detoxifying formula, as well as selected spices.

Guggul Cholesterol Compound is part of the Planetary Herbals line of products that draws on the wisdom of traditional cultures and the new knowledge gleaned from scientific research-providing the best of what modern herbalism and science have to offer.

Traditional Ayurvedic Herb
Guggul is a gum resin from the mukul tree (Commiphora mukul), a small, thorny bush similar to myrrh, which grows naturally throughout India and Arabia. Guggul has been used in Ayurvedic herbalism since at least 600 B.C. Guggul resin contains a number of constituents including the plant sterols, guggelsterones, which appear to work together to exert the beneficial effects of this botanical.



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