
Kudzu: Full Spectrum

Original price was: $12.98.Current price is: $6.00.

Anti-Alcohol Support

  • Used traditionally in Chinese herbalism to safely treat the abuse of alcohol.
  • Combines a Full Spectrum™ blend of kudzu’s flowers and roots with a powerful root extract.
  • Naturally contains isoflavonoids and saponins that provide anti-alcohol support.
  • Supports the liver.
  • Helps the body’s normal detoxification processes.
  • Provides traditionally recommended dosage.Kudzu (Pueraria lobata)
    You may have heard about kudzu lately. It’s gotten a lot of mainstream attention due to recent a Harvard University study on the plant’s ability to help decrease consumption of alcohol in human subjects. But that study, published in Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, only serves to demonstrate what Planetary Herbals and Chinese herbalism have long known, that kudzu is the premier herb for managing alcohol intake!

    And now Planetary Herbals offers you two ways to take advantage of the time-tested benefits of this remarkable botanical: Full Spectrum™ Kudzu, and Kudzu Recovery.

    Full Spectrum™ Kudzu provides the roots, flowers, and a high potency standardized extract to deliver a Full Spectrum™ of kudzu’s constituents and benefits. Additionally, Kudzu Recovery™ contains a centuries old Chinese formula offering all the benefits of kudzu plus key botanicals to support liver cleansing, balanced blood sugar levels and enhanced energy.

    History & Use
    Kudzu is a fast growing evergreen vine native to parts of Asia, and an invasive species in much of the southeastern United States, where it was initially introduced to help fight soil erosion. First written about in 206 B.C., this unique botanical was popularized by macrobiotics proponents as a food thickener, and continues to be included in China’s official pharmacopoeia. Although the entire plant is edible, kudzu’s health supporting benefits come primarily from its flowers and roots, which contain several natural compounds including isoflavonoids and saponins.

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