East West Clinical Herbalist (EWCH) Program




  1. Students must first complete the 36-lesson East West Professional Herbalist Course before they apply to the Mentoring Program.
  2. Mentoring may only be undertaken with an approved mentor listed with the East West School. This is because these mentors know our course program and teachings, which span Western, Chinese and Ayurvedic herbalism. Further hours obtained through study with other teachers count toward an AHG application but not with the EWCH program.
  3. Before engaging in the mentoring process, the student must first submit their mentor choice to the school for approval before the Mentoring program can begin. Mentoring hours accrue only after the mentoring program begins (thus, no hours are counted for casework completed before the mentoring starts). Mentoring hours can commence after completion of the 36 Lesson Professional Course and two of the three required seminars have been completed
  4. It is highly recommended that students only have one mentor. However, if the student chooses to have more than one mentor, all involved mentors must agree and one must be the primary overseeing mentor. The overseeing mentor is the direct liaison between the student and the school according to all mentor responsibilities.
  5. Mentoring may be accomplished in person, or through long distance methods such as email, phone and/or Zoom.
  6. Before a mentoring session, the student writes out and sends their cases to their mentor.
  7. A mentoring session includes the student’s time spent in the following ways:
  • intake sessions with their own clients
  • working on their clients’ cases
  • presenting these cases to the mentor and follow-up sessions with their clients

However, each case may only count as 5 hours each (see point #17).

  1. The student’s cases must include:
    • intake information (including but not limited to primary and secondary complaints, history, signs, symptoms, tongue, and pulse)
    • TCM and Ayurvedic health diagnoses and Western assessment, treatment principle/protocol
    • Chinese, Western and Ayurvedic herbal, dietary and lifestyle suggestions
    • Adjunct therapies given/suggested, as appropriate for each case
  2. In general, each mentoring session lasts from 1 to 1 1/2 hours, although these may be shorter or longer as pre-arranged with the mentor.
  3. The fee paid for mentoring sessions is arranged with, and paid directly to, the mentor. This fee includes the mentor’s time for giving direction, guidance and teaching plus any brief reports, emails and time spent considering the student’s cases presented during those sessions. All financial transactions are strictly between the mentor and student; the East West School of Herbology assumes no responsibility.
  4. Students should present several cases to the mentor at each mentoring session.
  5. Ideally students have contact with their mentors on a weekly or bi-weekly basis.
  6. If students lack clients, the mentor may send cases for the student to work on, limited to 20 cases maximum. These mentor-provided cases count for 2.5 hours each (half credit).
  7. The mentoring program requires completion of a MINIMUM of 400 client hours.
  8. Students see and treat a minimum of 80 new patients (thus, the 400 hour requirement).
  9. The mentoring hours are determined by the student’s time spent in the following ways
    • intake sessions with their own clients
    • working on their clients’ cases
    • presenting these cases to the mentor
    • and possibly follow-up sessions with their clients

(The 400 hours do not include time spent with their mentor in the mentor’s clinical practice.)

  1. Each client case counts as 5 hours MAX, which includes
    • the initial client intake
    • working on the case
    • presenting the case to the mentor
    • one client follow-up session
    • further follow-ups, up to two more, count as 1 hour each
  2. Both the student and the mentor should agree on and tally their total hours at the end of each mentoring session.
  3. The 400-hour requirement is the minimum amount of time a student completes before undergoing review by the mentor. If the mentor determines the student has achieved adequate proficiency in clinical practice at this time, then they vouch for the student’s ability to earn the EWCH certificate and notify the school as such.
  4. The East West Clinical Herbalist mentorship program takes as long as is necessary to receive proficiency as approved by the student’s mentor.
  5. If the mentor determines the student needs further experience before approval can be given, then the mentorship program may take longer than the 400-hour minimum requirement. The mentor advises the student as to what areas need further experience and study to achieve an adequate level of safety and proficiency and sets another 25-hour mentorship period. After the completion of this, another assessment of the student’s proficiency is made. This continues until the mentor approves the student for completion of the mentorship program.
  6. Once the mentor approves the student for completion of the mentorship program, the mentor and student select three cases to submit for final review by Thomas Avery Garran. These are submitted to the East West Herbalist School with a $150 fee.
  7. Once Dr. Garran approves the three submitted cases, the student graduates from the mentoring program.
  8. Once all the requirements of the East West Clinical Herbalist (EWCH) certificate program are complete, including approval by Lesley and Michael Tierra, the student receives the East West Clinical Herbalist certificate from the East West Herb School. They may now apply to, and request a letter of recommendation for, the AHG for professional membership.
  9. The East West School reserves the right to give final approval for any student to be admitted to the East West Clinical Herbalist certificate, regardless of whether they have completed the mentoring program and/or other East West Clinical Herbalist certificate requirements.
  10. The 400 (or more) completed mentoring hours may be included in the required clinic hours for the AHG application. Further mentoring hours obtained by studying with other teachers may also be included in the AHG application.

I have read and agree with the Mentoring Program. Signed: __________________________________   Date: _______________

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